Get in touch: 315-287-0208


Open Bids

Interested in working with NTC?

Our successes are built on the strength of our team.

We invite you to submit your bid and material quote for any project on our current bid list.

Become an NTC Vendor

Click here to fill out the form to become a NTC Vendor.

NTC Vendor Application


Bidding Information

Northern Tier Contracting’s (NTC) typical projects are located throughout St. Lawrence, Jefferson, Franklin, and Lewis counties of Upstate New York. NTC uses Procore Construction Software for all aspects of project management. Procore is user-friendly and allows our office to share plans, specifications, addendums, and other important documents with our subcontractors and vendors throughout the construction process. If you would like an invitation to join Procore, please contact our office.

NTC welcomes new subcontractors to join our bid list. Please fill out the subcontractor form, and submit it to our office. We highly encourage all MBE, WBE, SDVOB certified businesses to bid on all projects. If you need help on bidding a project, please either give us a call, or click the button below for help.

Need Help bidding on a project?

We understand. We do a lot of bids ourselves and we know they can be a lot! If you need help, just click the button below to email our team, or fill out the quick form below and we'll be in touch shortly.

Yes, I need help bidding on this project

Contact NTC Staff

Northern New York Builders Exchange

The purpose of the Builder’s Exchange is to establish fair and equitable trade practices within the membership and between the membership and other companies or organizations allied with the building industry; encourage and protect all parties in the building industry and provide assurance to the consumers of the ability, integrity, and fair dealings of the member; act as a clearinghouse for applicable business information; keep members informed in regard to legislation affecting the building industry in local, state and national governments, and take appropriate action on such legislation; perform public relations activities on behalf of the exchange and its members.

Learn more (external website)

Get in Touch

Northern Tier Contracting Inc.

329A Scotch Settlement Road
Gouverneur, NY 13642

Fax: 315-287-0797
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Office Hours
Mon - Fri: 8:00 am to 4:30 pm

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